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From the Editor, 2016

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present volume six of Young Scientist, a peer-reviewed journal of original research authored by high school students.

Over the years, Young Scientist has continued to grow in scope and stature. Volume six includes research from 11 authors working in seven departments at Vanderbilt Univer- sity. The areas of research represented in this volume include biomedical engineering (microfluidics and robotics), mechanical engineering (simulations and modeling), evolutionary biology (plant toxins), and medicine (cancer biology and inflammation), among others. We think you will find them fascinating. Each article in the journal repre- sents the individual research of a high school student working in a research laboratory at Vanderbilt University, mentored by an expert in the field. It’s inspiring to see the work of these promising young  scientists.

In the usual fashion for a research journal, each article that appears in Young Scientist has been reviewed by at least two referees and re-reviewed after the authors have responded to the referees’ comments. The editors wish to extend their special thanks to the expert referees who carefully reviewed each article; it is their voluntary effort that maintains the quality of the journal. We would also like to recognize the contribu- tions of the editorial board, Drs. Chris Vanags and Jens Meiler.

Finally, we would like to thank the patrons who have supported the Young Scientist journal and the Center for Science Outreach at Vanderbilt University. Through its mission to stimulate the scientific interest and imagination of high-school students, the center is creating the scientists and engineers on which our future will depend. The support of our patrons, as well as the dedication of the mentors who have guided the students in their research, is gratefully acknowledged.

We hope that you enjoy this latest volume of Young Scientist, both for its scientific content and for the remarkable achievements of the young scientists that it represents. To learn more about the journal, to support or engage in its production, or to submit a manuscript, please visit

Charles A. Brau, Ph.D.            

Sudipta Chakraborty, Ph.D.
